
Fun facts:

1. I am back after a little jaunt around the most beautiful place on earth. For two weeks, I listened to Stars of the Lid and took pictures of flowers and mountains. It was the best kind of vacation, with a lot of time for quiet reflection.

2. According to the July/August issue of Dwell, the Chinese government has acquired weather control technology to improve the air quality and prevent (acid) rain during the Olympics. If it ends up being successful, they are setting up a government department for weather control, which will continue to control the weater.

3. Mrs. Meyer's Lavender window spray works 10x better for killing and deterring spiders than Raid. And it's biodegradable and won't give you endocrine problems! Does anyone else use green cleaning products? If so, what do you prefer? So far, I've tried various things from Method, Burt's Bees, Mrs. Meyer's, and Ecover, all with very good results. My favorite thing is actually the Method O-Mop for hardwoods, which is way better than a Swiffer and has biodegradable and washable pad inserts.

4. Blueberries are in season. I just bought a giant container of them. You should go do the same. I am trying to eat more uncooked food to save energy and keep my apartment from getting too warm. My (gas) stove warms everything up, offsetting precious air conditioning, so far I've opted to eat blueberries and plain yogurt for multiple breakfasts instead. Delicious.

Hope everyone has been well. I will start writing more soon, I promise.


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