
Diet Coke Kills

I have decided to quit Diet Coke because I don't want to die. Aspartame just makes me feel so disgusting; I don't know why I keep drinking it. Does anyone have any suggestions for stevia-sweetened drinks? I don't do juice unless I juice it myself or its Arden's Garden. I'm equally freaked out by high fructose corn syrup as I am of aspartame.

To celebrate, my Don't Kill Your Body With Poison mix:

Le Tigre: Don't Drink Poison
X-Ray Spex: Junk Food Junkie
Planet Smashers: Never Gonna Drink [Diet Coke] Again (Sure, the song's about alcohol but that doesn't really apply to me and Diet Coke turns your insides to fromaldehyde.)
The Door-Keys: Dietary Pills

Also, if you haven't seen Kinky Boots go do so immediately. My boyfriend knows an inordinate amount of stuff about the construction of fine men's dress shoes, so he bought it and we watched it last night. Basic plot synopsis: old English Northhampton generations-old shoe business is going bankrupt and decides to manufacture women's shoes for men who like to dress like women. There are these great scenes with all kinds of men [performing femme or not] walking around in thigh-high vinyl boots. Amazing.


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