
Movies Worth Seeing

There is a quaint little video store around the corner from my favorite bakery called Movies Worth Seeing. At MWS, there are a couple of walls of films organized by genre (like biographical documentaries, 80's childrens television, etc.) but the store mostly focuses on VHS's (and some DVDs) organized by director.

As tradition dictates, I spent the first few days of the new year watching as many movies as I could. The new year didn't officially begin for me until January 6th or so, but the past three days have been awesomely filled with movies, reading and knitting. Here's what I watched and what I thought:

-Strangers With Candy (the movie) was not as exciting as the TV series. Focusing more on the Jerry Blank story, it omited a lot of the slapstick craziness for which the show is famous. I really love Stephen Colbert, and I especially adore Amy Sedaris . But if Amy Sedaris is going to be so damn ugly, the film has to be a LOT more offensive/satirical/politically incorrect.

-I had waited quite some time for Art School Confidential. John Malkovitch, Kate Moennig, what else could one want? The movie is this weird juxtaposition of a murder mystery and really comical scenes. Its character study is probably the strongest I've seen in awhile, although I wouldn't expect any less from a movie that takes place in an art school. The women (Kate Moennig, Sophia Myles) are especialy beautiful, complex, and strong characters. I would definitely recommend Art School Confidential to anyone in a grumpy mood who wants to cheer up a bit.

-Clerks II was everything I expected it to be and more. Dante and Randall relocate their clerkship to a fast food place called Mooby's, which, as far as I can tell, is a strange combination of Burger King and McDonalds. There are two really memorable scenes. The first involves a donkey, a guy named Stud, and a lot of smoke. The second involves Randall "taking back" a certain racial slur. As with many Kevin Smith films, there is a pseudo-sappy ending that is at first complicated by a number of factors and ends up working out.

-Everything Is Illuminated would have been a lot better if not for the constant Clesmer music. In fact, I couldn't finish it. It was too slow and boring. Elijah Wood plays a kid who collects objects as memories and goes to the Ukraine in search of the woman who saved his grandfather from the Nazis. His tour guides are an old half-blind man and a younger guy who bears a very strange resemblance to Borat (I think at one point he even asks if Elijah "makes sexy time"). There is something very dull and bleak about this movie that is extremely off-putting, given the brightness of the DVD cover. Maybe I'm not being fair, but it was bad enough that I, having close to nothing else to do, did not finish it.

In music news, I'm still ploughing my way through a bunch of albums I acquired at the end of the year, but did want to include something I found on YouTube. Does anyone remember this? It might be the most adorable thing I've ever seen:


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